Returning to work
As the lockdown eases across England, business owners are turning their attention to how to return to work safely. TGF Security can help, with its experience, expertise, professional and SIA licensed security guards. We can help make workplaces and sites safe for employees, customers and visitors, allowing businesses to get back to work safely and quickly.
Guidelines from the government and public health bodies are constantly being updated. New roles on social distancing, key to stopping the spread of coronavirus, may be difficult to keep up to date with, but our security guards are fully trained and briefed on what these are. This allows workers to focus on what they’re best at and not be distracted by other concerns.
The 2-metre rule should continue to be adhered to. This helps to keep the spread of the virus in check. TGF Security guards are extremely aware of this and will monitor all those entering and in a place of work to make sure the rules are followed. They have been trained on how best to approach people when the social distancing guidelines are broken, meaning that they can resolve a situation calmly and quickly.
Hygiene standards need to be high to effectively combat coronavirus. Frequent hand washing and sanitising of surfaces is needed to keep it in check. Again, security guards are able to identify problems, help with clearing them up as well as maintain the best standards of cleanliness, particularly important in such a public and customer facing role.
These tactics, hygiene and social distancing, are the foundation on which keeping a virus-free work environment are built. But TGF Security can put in place additional measures to ensure that a site or location does not become a hotbed for spreading the virus.
This starts from being able to carry out an appropriate risk assessment of any location. Our security guards are trained to be able to identify risk factors as well as to advise of how to minimise these. This helps keep a site virus-free, allowing businesses to work as efficiently as possible during a fraught time.
Crowded workspaces can contribute to the spread of coronavirus. Putting in place a people flow control system is one way to further reduce risk of transmission. TGF Security can help establish and maintain one. Working from the risk assessment, security guards can help identify how many people can safely be in one location at a time. They can put in place procedures to ensure that this number is never breached. CCTV and tally counters are key tools to help with this and our security guards are able to effectively use these and other pieces of kit to keep a workplace safe and working at full capacity.
Thermal imaging is another way that can help maintain a healthy environment. This technology is able to screen dozens of people at a time, from a socially distant 2 metres, and identify people who may be carrying the virus. Security guards are trained to handle these situations in a discreet and professional manner.
Businesses are looking forward to getting back to work. Things will not return to normal quickly though. But TGF Security can help make the transition easier while maintaining the health of customers, employees and visitors. Available for retail, industry, construction and other sectors, TGF Security will help your West Midlands-based business beat coronavirus.
For more information about our security company in Birmingham, contact us now or complete our online quotation form for a free no-obligation quotation and start securing your business today.